Posts Tagged ‘smallbizsat’

Everyone at Rogue Counsel “grew up in” a large, fairly traditional PR agency environment – our founders, our part-timers, our freelancers – everyone. We put in the (wo)man hours, have the contacts, got the experience, understand the business, and we get the big idea.

With that being said, indie developers are our specialty because we can relate. If you (Bob, the talented indie) wanted to work for a big brand, you could – and you would – but you don’t. Why? Because you’re passionate about doing your own thing on your own terms, and you got tired with the politics of “no”…

Ditto, Bob. We won’t expound, but could.

Indie game PR is unique. When you’re working with an established brand and/or franchise, you’ve got an automatic “in” with most major enthusiast outlets. When you’re an independent start-up making your dream game ’cause you feel like other people would want to play it, it’s a little bit tougher a whole different ballgame convincing press to cover your project.

There, there. It’s not that your game’s not newsworthy, it’s just that your game is one of hundreds of others, and picking out which ones to cover can be like picking a flavor at Froyo (or finding a needle in a haystack) – the metaphor matters not. What does matter is finding the right PR team to tackle your unique challenges… Gaming PR is not one-size-fits-all. Case in point: MontrealX.
